My first blog post! I hope this site will be a great resource for people on Listia or wanting to get into Listia. My end goal for this is to build a community of people, get this site on its own domain and get a forum as well. I need to advertise this site and maybe invest some money into it.

Still working on the site, I'm waiting to fill in the information for the guide on how to make money. I'll also have to get my advertisement plan going as well. 

Things to do:
  • about me/my Listia experience
  • advertise
  • rest of the guide
  • better design work
  • banner ads (maybe?)
  • donate/links page

Much more things to come. If anyone has a question, comment or click contact at the top.

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    My Efforts

    Just a blog about what my latest auction sold for, and how much credits I bought things for, among other things.


    July 2012

